Saturday, September 7, 2013

Did You Know?

Did you know if Facebook was a country it would be the third largest country in the world?

This fact shows how large social media has become and how much time we spend on the internet. In today's world everyone carries their phones in their pockets wherever they go. Almost everyone has a smart phone or internet on their phone. This fact doesn't surprise me, Facebook is a worldwide phenomenon.

Did you know the number of text messages sent daily is larger then the population?

This fact doesn't shock me because if every person sent just one text message to every person they knew that would be the whole population. But there are people who don't have phones. People have long conversations over text messages. I send about 100 text a day or more.

Did you know that about every 4 minutes 60 babies will be born in the U.S., 244 babies in China, and 351 babies in India?

This fact is so interesting to me! its hard to put all of that into perspective but that is a lot of babies. It makes you realize just how big the world is.

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