Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Today in Mr. Schick's class we learned about democracy and Ancient Greece. In Ancient Greece the people wouldn't think of themselves as Greek if they were from Athens that's what the said their nationality was. In 508 B.C. Athens was the first government in history to overthrow their leader and create a democracy. The Athens people would go to the agora, a meeting place, and would vote on things. No more than 6,000 people could vote at a time. All questions that were voted on were yes or no answers.They would use methods such as: saying "I", Raising your hand, or placing different colored pebbles into vases to cast their votes. About 2,000 years later the new founded country "America" uses the same idea of the democracy but because of large populations the people vote for representatives to vote for their state. The idea of democracy has shaped the world's governments and has helped the nations become more efficient. 

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