Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Test Questions

1. What famous person supplied mosquito nets to countries suffering from malaria?
A. Bill Gates

2. What is a term for financial services for entrepreneurs and small businesses lacking access to banking and related services?
A. Microfinance
3. A ________ is when a person lends a small amount of money to a business.
A. Microloan
4. Name three common uses for microloans.
A. Starting up new businesses, Getting products for your business, Getting a little kick start on your business, Machinery or equipment, Furniture or fixtures, Money that you can use for your business, Electricity, Technology, Buildings, or  Roads and bridges.
5. Name four problems faced in developing countries.
A. Diseases (malaria), Famine, Drought, Lack of supplies, Poor health care, Poverty, Pollution, or Electricity is weak.  
6.   It can provide ____________ with the capital needed to operate and expand their businesses.
A. microentrepreneurs
7. Microloans also help in three ways. Name them.
A. infrastructure, education, and legal reforms.
8. How many deaths does Malaria cause each year?
A. 655,000
9. How many children die a minute from malaria?
A. One

10. What is an organization that makes business loans to individuals who are not able to obtain financing from traditional lenders?
A. Microlenders  



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