Wednesday, August 28, 2013

My First Days of John Carroll

My first days at John Carroll have been very exciting! I have already made a few friends that have made the days even more enjoyable. High school, in the short time I have been here, has been amazing. Its so different from middle school, in the best ways. I love having a locker, even though on the first day I couldn't open it myself. The freedom that we have is so useful for making up work. Being on a sports team was a great way to meet a few people before school started. Even though my day seemed to be going great I did have a VERY embarrassing moment. After I had finish up my lunch the bell had rung and I was going to put my tray away while I was drinking my soda. I ran into one of the teachers with my tray in the ribs. I felt so bad and was so embarrassed. Aside that I am confident in my decision of picking John Carroll. I am extremely excited for the years to come!

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