Friday, August 30, 2013

August 30, 2013

How To Succeed At John Carroll
  1. Participate in class
  2. Turn in all assignments on time
  3. Don't not procrastinate
  4. Listen to the teachers and follow directions
  5. Bring all materials to class 
Agora- a meeting place or stadium in Ancient Greece
Arete- Being excellent, being the best you can possibly be
Polis- A city, city-state, or the citizens
The Year 508 BC- the year they established a democracy
Socrates- a Greek philosopher
The Death Of Socrates- Socrates was executed in 1787 that was later made into a famous painting
 Socratic Method- A questioning of defense, process of elimination
If the ancient Greeks called you an idiot it meant that they were calling you a civilian. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

My First Days of John Carroll

My first days at John Carroll have been very exciting! I have already made a few friends that have made the days even more enjoyable. High school, in the short time I have been here, has been amazing. Its so different from middle school, in the best ways. I love having a locker, even though on the first day I couldn't open it myself. The freedom that we have is so useful for making up work. Being on a sports team was a great way to meet a few people before school started. Even though my day seemed to be going great I did have a VERY embarrassing moment. After I had finish up my lunch the bell had rung and I was going to put my tray away while I was drinking my soda. I ran into one of the teachers with my tray in the ribs. I felt so bad and was so embarrassed. Aside that I am confident in my decision of picking John Carroll. I am extremely excited for the years to come!