Wednesday, October 30, 2013

October 30th

Today we continued on our presentations about religion. Honestly this method has been very helpful. I like when the students teach other students because they don't use super hard terms also they make things easy to understand.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

October 29th

Today in human geography we presented our power points. Our power point was islmaic religion. I liked to be able to teach the class. I think we did a very good job. We copied notes from another power point and it really helped me.

Monday, October 28, 2013

October 28th

Today in human geography we had to make power points on the five main religions. My group got the second largest religion Islam. The Islamic Religion is very popular in the Middle-East, Northern Africa, and some of Europe. Learning about other religions that I haven't grown up learning is very interesting for me.

Friday, October 25, 2013

October 25th

today in human geography we took a quiz. I was extremely nervous about this because I thought it was a test but thankfully it wasn't. This quiz goes on the first quarter and it ends TODAY! Mr. Schick is hand papers back as we speak and I just got a 90 or above because I didn't feel like getting up and walking over there if know what I got.

P.S. he rings the bell if you got a 90 or above so that's how I know.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

October 23rd

Today in human geography we took notes on culture about religion and space conflicts. we discovered that three religions that have the most conflict originate from the same person. Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are all "Abrahamic Religions" yet they have the most conflict. Also two Christianity based religions where setting bombs off in each others churches in Northern Ireland.  

October 22nd

I was absent

Monday, October 21, 2013

October 21st

Today in human geo we talked about nationalism. we also saw a PowerPoint and took notes on it. The PowerPoint contained things such as cultural differences. Like with religion, language and food. the crazy thing is that most of the religions that hate each other believe the same thing or close to it.  

Friday, October 18, 2013

The AP test

First I am NOT  in AP human geography so I knew nothing on this test. I probably got a 16% at the highest. I don't ever want to be an AP classes because from the look of this test it was not easy.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

October 15th

today in class we talked a lot about immigration and illegal immigration. One of the main points was that some Americans label all Mexicans or Latinos as illegal immigrants even if they have been in this country for over 50 years. only around 52% of the illegal immigrants are Mexican. Which means they other 48% are from different countries. It is important to not judge people because you do not know them or their story.

Friday, October 11, 2013

October 11th

Today in human geo we took a quiz on population and I think the shadow did better then I did. Which is sad because he wasn't here when we learned it and I was. -_- But we might have a competition on KIVA. which is a website where you loan people money so they can start a business. So if our class raises the most money we get a pizza or ice cream party!!!!!! I hope I didn't fail the quiz...

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

October 9th

Today in Human Geography we talked about population pyramids. We took guesses on what the pull or push actors were based off the pyramid mid. In a city in Michigan there were a lot of people between the ages of 15-25 because of colleges. In a city in North Carolina there were a large percent of males between the ages of 18-45 because it was an army reserve. I thought that the quessing game was really fun and I hope we do it tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

October 8th

Today in Human geography we took a quiz on the movie. It wasn't hard but I am a terrible speller so I will probably get points taken off. Also the girl Angela had a birthday today! We also got donuts!

Monday, October 7, 2013

October 7th

today in human geo class we finished the movie. in the end panther got married to a fellow African lady. John Bul Dau started a foundation and built a hospital in his home town in Sudan. Daniel hadn't found any family yet and still lived in Pittsburgh. Unlike Daniel John and Panther had both found some family. Johns mother and sister flew in and saw each other for the first time in 17 years. Also Panther went back to Africa to marry his wife and was reunited with his mother and brother. Not everyone had a happy ending but I am glad some of them did.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

October 5th

In human geography on Friday we continued watching the list boys movie. Sadly we didn't win the contest so I have to blog. I was the 3,997 like and according to mr. Schlick he watched the page until 12 and when he checked It in the morning it was at 4001. Also, Mr. Schick hates when he is at the grocery store and the cashier hands him his change and he says "thank you" and they say "no problem." He told us that it obviously wasn't a problem because it's your job.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

October 2,2013

Today in Human geo we continued to watch the movie on the Sudanese boys. Also towards the end of class we saw John Bul Dau, one of the main character's Facebook. He also said that if one of us win the copy of the movie that we wont have to blog the next class. There was a scene in the movie about how a 7-11 owner complained that they boys intimidated her because they would walk in the store in a large group. I told a story that I was at the mall and this large group of boys stole a cat from the pet store. Which is 100% true, but I don't think Mr. Schick believed me.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October 1, 2013

Today in Human Geography we started watching a documentary on Sudanese boys who escaped the civil war. this movie is not recent obviously because the war has ended and they have become two separate countries, Sudan and South Sudan. The boys had been at a refugee camp for an extremely long period of time. They had completed all the programs that the camp had to offer and there was nothing left for them to do there. The United Nations had offered them an opportunity to leave the camp and come to America. Many accepted because they didn't have families at the camp and this was an once in a life time opportunity. The boys came to America and were fascinated with all of out things. that is around where we left off.