Friday, January 17, 2014

The Final Blog

This is the last blog I will do on this account :( depressing I know but I really did enjoy this class. I love doing group work, and I love projects. I don't know I'm weird I guess but I do enjoy them. But not essays I don't like them I like making posters and learning about countries. Well.... so long this was fun

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Guns, Germs & Steel

Today we watched the video, we didn't quite finish but I watched the rest at home. I learned that there are 148 types of animals out of all 2 million species that have the necessities to be domesticated. Only 14 of these animals were actually able to be domesticated. This also had to do with "geographical luck" because 13 of the 14 domesticated animals lived in the Middle-east, none in America, New Guinea, and only the llama in South America  

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Guns, Germs, And Steel

Today in human geography we watched more of the film "Guns, Germs, and Steel." We learned about which areas grew which food. China grew rice, New Guinea grows sago, bananas, and tarrotroot. The Middle-East grew wheat and barley. The Americas grew beans, and Africa grew some type if thing I don't remember.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Guns, Germs & Steel

Today in human Geo we watched a little of a film called "Guns, Germs & Steel." In this Movie we see how the ancient civilizations adapted, compared to the people of New Guinea. Professor Diamond loves to spend time in New Guinea. He asked a question "Why is the world so unequal?" He wanted to know why some nations thrived with money and food, while others could barley find food to eat. In New Guinea the men hunt, while the women gather a grain from the inside of a tree called a sago. While in ancient times in the middle east when it was lush green forests and no where near as arid as it is now, people were doing great. All was well in the middle east around 13,000 years ago, right after the Ice Age had ended, but soon Ice Age like conditions were coming back. The people in the Middle East domesticated their land and were the first to become farmers. They would plant things like wheat and other grains so that if the man couldn't find meat they wouldn't starve.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

January 8th

After being two-hours late Monday, off Tuesday, an two-hours late today we are going to be on normal schedule tomorrow, sadly :(. BUT we are continuing to learn about the civilizations. I am actually really interested and I think this is a cool subject. I love the buildings that are over 2,000 years-old. The buildings in Greece and Rome, and the pyramids that the people of Mesoamerica made.

Monday, January 6, 2014

January 6th

Today in human geo we talked about urban culture. I think its cool that we get to learn about cities an this will lead us into our new class that we will start on the 20th :(. sadly we will not all be together aain but I will still have Mr. Schick!

Friday, December 13, 2013

December 13

Today in human geo we went over the exam and reviewed. I took LOTS of notes so im not to scared. im just nervous that I will freeze up and not remember anything